Friday, November 27, 2009

It is still Thanksgiving!!!!!

Ok, so I am not original but I found this over at a friends blog, named Nikki ( and I told her it was to good for me not to do it. I know that this is the day AFTER Thanksgiving but to me, every day should be thanksgiving. So, join me if you would like.

Thanksgiving Questions-
1. Think back over the fast 10 years. What are you the most grateful for during that time period? It has been a learning process of just how big my God is. He is full of grace, mercy, forgiveness, love, compassion and Praise Him that He NEVER leaves me or forsakes me.
2. Now think back over the past year. What are you most grateful for during that time period? Watching my children grow and watching what the Lord is doing in my life, even when I don't understand it.
3. Now what about the past week? What are you most grateful for? I am thankful for a roof over my head, food in my pantry, few dollars in the bank and a family and friends that love me. I'm thankful for answered prayer.
4. The following verse says "O give thanks unto the Lord; for He is good; for His mercy endureth forever. 1 Chronicles 16:34. Name a way that God has been good to you lately. His protection in the last month. Not only physically but emotionally and spiritually.
5. Name 2 physical or monetary blessings you've received lately. I was blessed with a new family to help in the arrival of their new addition in February. That is both.
6. Name 2 spiritual blessings you've received lately. Peace and joy in the midst of the storm
7. How often do you give praise to God? I fall so VERY short in this area. Not nearly as much as I should.
8. Do you think God is pleased with how you praise Him? I think He is but it needs to be more and I think He ask that of me on a daily basis.
9. Name someone that God has placed in your life to be a blessing to you. My husband, my children, my family and my friends.
10 Now that you have reflected on how God has blessed you, choose a person this week(even during the busy holiday season) and be a blessing to that person.
Here are a few ideas:

*Send someone a card to encourage them
*Take someone a batch of cookies or fresh baked bread
*Make dinner for someone
*Visit a lonely or elderly person
*Send someone flowers just for the fun of it

Lots to think about..........
Laboring Thankfully With You,
Doula Mama Pam

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What great questions! I think I might just have to tuck these away to answer myself. :)