Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wordless Wednesday.......NOT

I was originally going to share just pictures but when I started looking at the post, I thought I might need to explain what you are looking at. These are the cuties that Bo and I get to teach on Sunday Morning in Sunday School. This past week we put our shoeboxes together for Samaratin's Purse and Operation Christmas Child. Our church goal was 600 boxes. Praise the Lord, we had well over 800 boxes. These are just a few of the pictures that we took. We(our class) put together 2 boxes. One for a boy and one for a girl. It was soooo much fun. We will do it again next year and do 2 for each.

Bo and all the little girls.

Silly faces for the camera.
Just a few of the boxes that the church collected
Our class with our 2 boxes. Ready, wrapped and they are going to make a child happy somewhere in the world this Christmas.
Laboring and Serving With You,
Doula Mama Pam


Lee-Ann said...

How wonderful! Thanks for sharing!

chadandnikki said...

YAY!! The hubs and I took our churches shoe boxes to Boone yesterday. That's an amazing facility they have. Those are some sweet amazing little faces.

Tara said...

My baby is getting so big. I love seeing him interact when I am not around. Thanks for loving on him.