Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Sharing A Moment

Isaiah 25:1-5 The question was which of these characteristics has God shown you that you would share with your group. Of course, I had to journal. There was no option. So, here you go.....

God, you are my God and I will ever praise you.
You are perfect in every way.
Your faithfulness reaches to the Heavens
Your faithfulness has seen me through the good, the bad and the ugly.
Scripture says that You have been a refuge for the poor.
You continue to be a refuge for the poor.
The poor in spirit, the poor physically, emotionally and mentally.
You are THE safe place to go when there is no one who we can turn to.
Your scripture also states that You are a shelter from the storm.
You are the first refuge and shelter that we SHOULD see.
Shame on us for seeking shelter in human friends, well-meaning family, books etc.
YOU are the refuge of perfect peace and love.
You are the shade from the heat.
When things can get very heated, no matter who or what did it.
We can bring it to you and you can resolve it and heal us.
You are perfect-

Thank you for allowing me to share my moment.
Laboring and Journaling with You,
Doula Mama Pam

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