Tuesday, January 11, 2011

WE HAVE SNOW!/ And THAT Word Again!

Well, we have snow again!!!!!!!  I really do enjoy the snow.  I don't like the fact that my hubby has to work. I love the fact that I can make the call to stay home.  Seems that people are finally leaving the condos this afternoon.  This morning about 9am, NO ONE HAD MOVED A CAR!!!!!!!
It's a lot of slush but tonight will be difficult when it all starts freezing over again. 
Well, things are picking up.  I can feel overwhelmed when I think about it but I am choosing not to.  I have a boat load of pictures to post from Christmas and from birthday and then we have a "birthday" party Saturday so we will have pictures from that I am sure.  So you will have to stay tuned for that.  It will be a lot of fun I am sure. 

During the last week or so, I thought I would take a bit and just share again about this "Word for the Year" and mine being "choice". 
A little over a week ago, I rec'd word that my ex-MIL was in the hospital.  She had CHF (congestive heart failure), COPD, and had 2 heart attacks and was in the Cath Lab at the hospital.  I waited on every phone call to see what the status was.  Yesterday morning, she went in and had by-pass surgery and I am so very thankful and praising the Lord once again that He stepped in and has seen her through.  She is doing WONDERFULLY, aside from a little nausea, she is doing GREAT!!!!!  I realize that she maybe my ex-MIL but she was my MIL for years.  I have prayed and prayed for her and the family over the last week.  I was able to go and visit with her a couple of times prior to surgery.  It almost felt like we had not missed any time.  I felt it but it was just a sweet time of visiting.  We don't ever do that.  Jim's sister, Kris and his brother, Michael all were here and it was so very good to see them.  I hadn't seen them in so very long.  Of course, his Dad, Mike was there and that is always a treat.  The family is doing just fine and ready to take Sue home I am sure.  She had posted on her facebook that Jan. 10, 2010 was the a day to start again.  Well, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUE!!!!!!!!  Life will be different but it will be a good different.  Lots of new perspectives I am sure.  Of course, I am happy to share all of my Tofu ideas with you......hahahaha

So where does my "choice/choose" come into play with this?
I could have chosen to call only one time.
I could have chosen not to call.
I could have chosen to stay out and not be "involved".
I could have chosen to keep my mouth closed because I am not a part of the family.
I could have chosen to not send out a call to all the Prayer Warriors that I know.
I chose to make many phone calls and text messages
I chose to call the first time.
I chose to be involved because she is still in my "family"
I chose to talk about and ask for prayer because she is part of the family.
I chose to send out a call to the Prayer Warriors.

Do you see?  Do you see what your choices do?  They make a huge difference. 
Let's take it to something that is not as major.....say....work.
I could have chosen to say NO yesterday when I was asked to do something.
I could have chosen to stay home in the event of this horrible weather that was coming.
I could have chosen to voice my opinion at work about having to be there with the coming weather.
I chose to say YES, even though I wasn't happy about it.
I chose to go to work because nothing was happening outside.
I chose to keep my opinion to myself because it was not that important

Does it make sense? 
Do you get it?
I realize it is only January 11th but "choice/chosen/choose" are HUGE for me. 
Tell me about yours!!!!!!!!!

Doula Mama Pam

1 comment:

Lynn-Marie said...

It's only right that you be there...:)