Monday, August 1, 2011

Homebirth Week-Day 1

Well, I have always wanted to do this and this seemed like a good time to do it.  Homebirth has become something that we see and read a lot about in the news and on the Internet.  I know here in Greensboro, it was even in the paper last week and got front page of the Life section.  She was not a local homebirth mother but the article was awesome!!!! 
If you had asked me 10 years ago what I thought about homebirth I would have told you that you were nuts.  Well, lets just say that time, education, reading, research and listening and hearing, I have completely changed my mind.  So much so that if NC would approve the practice of CPM's in this state, I would probably be going to school for that.  It is actually in the legislature now but as we know, the government takes there time. 
I have a video that I use for my childbirth class and out of all the "stories" on the video, only 2 are hospital or birth center.  The rest are homebirths.  There is something to be said about that.  Listening to the people during the video talk about C-Section rates, epidural, and interventions would really make you think.  For me as a Doula and Childbirth Educator, I try very hard to educate, encourage and empower the moms that I teach and that are my clients.  THIS IS YOUR BIRTH!! Unless there is a medical emergency or other medical conditions that come up, you should be able to have what you want. 
I have several homebirth stories to share this week with you and so excited to be able to share them.  These are women that I know personally or have become friends with through work, Facebook and through other people and networks.  I so appreciate all of them. 
I have not had the opportunity to attend a homebirth and would love to do that at some point in time in my career.  It just amazes me every time that I do attend a birth.  It is absolutely amazing!!!!!!! 
If you are in another state other than NC, what are the laws in your state?  Have you had a homebirth that you would like to share?  Please let me know.  Maybe you have had a hospital birth and you are thinking and considering your options for your next baby.  I hope that these stories will encourage and educate you and empower you.  Special thank you again to all of these women that shared this week!!!!!!!!!

Doula Mama Pam

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